Tuesday 8 September 2015

Lucas Meso raising the bar in educational support

The 29th of August began as any other day,    but for the people of Butula , history was in the making

The day saw a flurry of activity in the Bumutiru area (perhaps a pointer to was was to come), by afternoon high profile guests and eminent personalities began streaming into the Bumutiru AC Primary School.

BUSIMAKO Self Help Group, a group that supports poor but bright students to access university education was having a fundraiser, the group that has seen well over 80 students join institutions of higher learning was seeking more funds to push forward its noble agenda.

That this was no ordinary event wasn't in-doubt, invited guests included the who is who in Busia and beyond, the guest list featured among others,  the area MP, Hon.Onyura, the Women Rep the good Hon.Florence, Hon.Washiali among several parastatal and NGO chiefs 

In the mid afternoon the chief guest Hon.Sakaja jetted in, in great style and directly proceeded to the main agenda  - raising funds

That the function was a great success is not in-doubt, the event raised the bar for harambees in Butula and in Busia at large  -   a whooping 2.7M was raised

This was in addition to the efforts of the BUSIMAKO SHG Patron that saw each of the students awarded the maximum possible HELB allocation

WE say HONGERA to Bwana Meso for the good job that is indeed transforming lives

BUSIMAKO Self Help Group Patron - Comrade Lucas Meso with the Chief Guest, Hon.Sakaja

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