Sunday 17 February 2019

Busians know who hired hooligans to heckle their Governor

Hon. Eifumbukhe & Hon. OAgwambo, among the attendees of the Bukiri function in Samia

It is not surprising that hired goons & hooligans were on standby to heckle the Busia County Governor in Samia on Saturday 16th Feb 2019, just a few weeks after a former Funyula MP warned that he might undo his "handshake" with Governor Ojaamong.

The strategically placed hecklers were later spotted collecting their dues from their benefactor's handlers.

This Week in Busia is sad that such archaic means of gaining political mileage are still in use in our beloved Busia.

With Governor OJ not being a participant in the 2022 election, one can only wonder what motivates such callous schemes.

As retired president would say, indeed #SiasaMbaya_MaishaMabaya

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